We are a church in the Anglican tradition, and part of the Anglican Diocese of Grafton. Our flavour is more towards the ‘evangelical’ end of the spectrum: we believe that God has spoken to us through the Bible, and it is there that we learn the truth about God, and about how human beings can and should relate to Him.

We believe that God exists outside of time, so He doesn’t change, His values don’t change, and His intentions towards human beings haven’t - and never will - change: God loves us, and invites us into friendship with Him.

We believe God wants you to know Him - not just know about Him. So He caused people in different times and places to write the documents that are collected in the Bible. And most importantly, He became part of His own creation, to be one of us - Jesus Christ. His miracles are the proof of His identity.

God speaks to us, and we can speak to Him. We believe that when we pray, the God who created the universe always hears and always answers, sometimes in unexpected, miraculous or inexplicable ways.

We believe that God’s Holy Spirit has been given to people who believe in Jesus, and that the Spirit gives us power to fulfil the mission Jesus entrusts to us: He wants us to share His life-changing, world-changing message with all people, the ones right next door, and the ones at the ends of the earth.